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Pitching sessions.

At Startup Nights 2024 there will again be two pitching sessions.

This year, the Swiss finals of Startup Wold Cup take place as part of the Startup Nights on 1st November 2024. The finalists will get the chance to pitch at the world finals in 2025 in Silicon Valley. At the world finals the Startups have the chance to win a $ 1 million investment from Pegasus Tech Ventures.

The pitch is expected to be delivered in English. We likely will run a format of a 5 min Pitch & 10 min Q&A. Details will follow. The jury will preview and nominate the startups that will get invited to pitch.

Prices per category

  • CHF 5000 for 1st place
  • CHF 3000 for 2nd place
  • CHF 2000 for 3rd place
  • Andrea Silberschmidt-Buhofer

    Managing Partner at EquityPitcher Ventures

  • Andreas Schlenker

    Head of M&A, Partnering and Investing at Axpo Group

  • Arijana Walcott

    Impact Investor, Entrepreneur and Board Member

  • Guy Giuffredi

    Business Angel and Cofounder Aare Ventures

  • Jacqueline Ruedin Rüsch

    Venture Capital Investor, Board Member and Public Speaker

  • Teddy Amberg

    Founding Partner at Spicehaus Partners AG

  • Daniel Dillinger

    Investment Parter at Redalpine

  • Andreas Göldi

    Partner at b2venture

  • Claudius Stammbach

    Investment Manager at Sparrow Ventures

  • Aron Braun

    Entrepreneur, Business Angel and Lecturer